Two women talking at the beach with a baby sleeping under a pram cover

Why Sleep Train?

What is sleep training?

Sleep training is the process of teaching your child healthy sleep habits and helping them learn to fall asleep independently. It involves establishing a consistent bedtime routine and teaching your child to self-soothe and sleep through the night. Sleep training methods can vary, but they all aim to promote healthy sleep patterns and improve the overall quality of your child's sleep.

What are the benefits of sleep training?

1. Improved sleep quality: Sleep training helps your child develop good sleep habits, leading to more restful and uninterrupted sleep. This, in turn, promotes better physical and cognitive development.

2. Established routine: A consistent bedtime routine helps your child understand when it's time to sleep, making the transition to bedtime smoother and reducing bedtime battles.

3. Independence: Sleep training teaches your child to self-soothe and fall asleep on their own. This independence is crucial for their overall development and helps them develop important self-regulation skills.

4. Improved mood and behaviour: A well-rested child is generally happier, more alert, and better able to regulate their emotions. Sleep training can lead to improved behaviour and a more positive mood throughout the day.

5. Parental well-being: When your child sleeps better, you also benefit from improved sleep quality. This allows you to have more energy, better focus, and increased patience to handle the demands of parenting.

When should you start sleep training?

The ideal time to start sleep training varies for each child, but most experts recommend starting between 4 and 6 months of age. At this stage, babies have developed the ability to self-soothe to some extent, making it easier for them to learn healthy sleep habits.

How to approach sleep training?

There are various sleep training methods to choose from, including the Ferber method, the Weissbluth method, and the gentle sleep training approach. It's essential to find a method that aligns with your parenting style and your child's temperament. Consulting with a doctor or a sleep consultant can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the process.

So, why sleep train?

While the process of sleep training can be difficult, it is well worth the effort to set your child up to learn healthy sleep habits that will provide as the foundation of their childhood. From regulating their moods, to helping instil feelings of confidence and independence - there are many benefits to having a well-rested child. As a parent, the ability to have your child to sleep through the night is beneficial not just for them, but also for your own health, wellbeing, and sanity!


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